WE have well equipped workshop with experienced team members for making of Back Lit, Front Lit, Billboards, hoarding, banners and hangers as well.
We have the expertise in idea generation to completion of any job in the field of advertising.
Our Competitive Edge
Our Prestigious Clients
Market Makers Brand identity specializes in strategic marketing and branding at am affordable price tag packages. If you are looking far a top notch work assignment, with lower price tags, then look no further.
Branding is the sum total of a companys identity from its name and logo to every piece of communication, internal or external to every encounter with every customer or potential customer. Brand-conscious means understanding this maxim and making sure your brand promise is woven into every communication. A traditional advertising agency or graphic design company just doesnt do this.
? Public Service Message
? Radio Commercials
? Trade Videos
? TV Commercials Documentaries
It is amazing and we have power and the know how to do it. In addition to radio and TV Production, we can also produce
Isnt it amazing that in: 30 or 60 seconds you can actually intrigue someone enough to make a purchase? Think about it. Can you brush your teeth in: 30 seconds? Can you leave someone a voice mail in: 30 seconds, (Impossible)? But in a well written, well produced: 30 or 60 seconds TV or Radio commercial-we can actually inspire someone to pick up a phone, to pull up a web site, or to physically get their car and come to you.
Electronic Media
We can provide and assist in all types of out door advertising services all across Punjab. Starting from Designing, printing of skins, banners and hangers to finally acquiring prominent sites and installation of finished skins, banners and hangers, we are readily available to render our services.
v Point of Sale
v Banners
v Streamers
v Signage
v Tradeshow Display
v Front Lid Flex Boards
v Back Lid Flex Boards
v Hoardings
Out Door
? Planners & Folders
? Newsletters & Product Catalogues
? Diaries & Calendars
? Stickers & Product Tags
? Product Posters & Brochures
? Logo Designing & Hand Bills
Our mousses are controlled by top-notch designers using the most recent cutting-edge graphic design technology available in the market. From Art Director to Graphic Designer, your project will be taken from conception to completion to provide you not only an eye-appealing piece, but an effective one that gets enormous results.
Print Media
We aim to identify and market our services to business sectors both commercial and non-commercial projects that require new innovative, vibrant, dynamic and revenue generating ideas.
Market Makers is the result of constant observation on rapidly changing scenario of advertising horizons. Our mission is to develop and initiate trends with in these fields which have not yet been tried or presented by any of our counter part companies.
Mission Brief
Our greatest satisfaction is helping our clients in meeting their goals and watching their businesses grow at a rapid pace.
Market Makers was founded in 2006 to provide successful, creative solutions for both large and small businesses. We work closely with clients to develop valuable creative strategies to meet and exceed their sales and advertising goals. Members of our creative team work together, to ensure your advertising message and branding are focused, consistent target oriented. Every piece the company creates is designed to meet client objectives and help companies stand out from their competition.
To promote your products and services for maximum impact.
To Create powerful branding solutions in advertising.
To Think effectively about the strategic marketing issues you face.
We are here:
Market Makers is the business of helping your business succeed. Whether you market b2b or b2c, we are equipped to deploy a full range of integrated advertising services.
Who We are & What we do
We are the advertiser, deals in printing media, outdoor media and electronic media.
We are the advertiser, deals in printing media, outdoor media and electronic media. |