Frame material: 3mm, 5mm transparent organic board, PVC boardAccessories: have inserted ring around the picture or have drilled holes on the fourcorners of the picture, stainless steel nailFrame
size: 2.5m x 1.5m (this range can be self-defined)POP character: main product in the exhibition hall or the display of the backgroundpicture of the new product; can also be used on the POP fresco
at the centeror the entrance of the exhibition hall so as to transfer the latest informationto the consumersPrice: (the price is quoted subject to the specific manufacturing technology andorder
quantity) (3mm transparent organic board printing; can cooperate with theinside and outside lights to highlight the modeling effect of the picture)Disclaimer: The intellectual property shown on the
listed product(s) belongs to third parties.These products are only offered as examples of our production capabilities, and arenot for sale.