We are a Automobile Rubber Parts Maufacturing company having more than 25 years of experience. Our products list is as follows: 1. Injection, Transfer and Compression Moulded Products: Engine
MountsSilent Block BushesFlexible Rubber couplingsCentre joint rubbersRadiator HosesBody snubbersAxle BumpersExhaust rubber hengersBellowsO-ring, Seals & GasketCV BoottsDiaphragm, 2. Extruded
Products: Tubing, Hoses, Profiles, Sections3. Custom Moulded ProductsAll the above mentioned items are manufactured at ISO 9002 certified plants near Mumbai, the commercial capital of India. We
invite you to visit our manufacturing plant. We have a full range of elastomeric materials such as Fluorocarbon, Nitrile rubber, EPDM rubber, Silicone rubber, Fluorosilicone, Butyl, Chloroprene,
PBR, SBR, HNBR, Poly acrylic, Polyurethane. We are also highly capable of designing special compounds to meet different requirements. InTerms of quality and services; it's always our responsibility
to keep im-proving them to meetCurrent global demands.