Silicone is a versatile material for manufacturing hoses. It has many useful features like high and low temperature resistances, chemical resistance, air resistances and also resistance from
corrosion caused by various fluids.
Silicone rubber is also a preferred material for turbo charger hoses. It finds usage in air conditioning applications for cooling and heating in both automobiles and non-automobiles applications
Silicones hoses are made in various shapes and sizes as per customer requirements .These hoses can be lined with fluro- elastomers such as Viton and Flurosilicone for improving their life in
various corrosive fluid applications.
ASRI started manufacturing of both moulded and built up hoses from silicone rubber more than 15 years ago. Currently their hoses find applications with all the major OEMs in India and abroad
Silicone hoses manufactured by ASRI are exported to all the major European countries .
We manufacture all types of Rubber Hose in natural and synthetic rubber in red,green, blue,yellow,orange,black,white colours