Vytex? Natural Rubber Latex (NRL)s inherent properties make it the natural choice for a wide variety of manufactured products such as condoms, surgical and medical gloves, adhesives, elastic
threads and tapes, foams, medical devices, toys, and baby products.
Vytex NRLs distinct advantage over other latex varieties lies in its chemistry: it maintains all the attributes of latex while typically containing 90 percent fewer allergy-causing proteins. This
is achieved with only a slight increase in raw material cost compared to NRL and well below the material costs of most synthetic petroleum-based alternatives.
Importantly, this key reduction in allergenic proteins is achieved without sacrificing the properties that give NRL its enormous advantages over synthetic substitutes: superior barrier
protection,strength, elasticity, memory, skin-like comfort and tactile sensitivity. Vytex NRL also has the advantage of being virtually odor-free due to the removal of proteins.
Vytex NRL is 100% natural, renewable and bio-degradeable. It is an eco-friendly option for those seeking an environmentally sensitive ultra low allergenic material.
We created Vytex NRL by applying science to nature. Vytex NRL is aninnovative raw material with significantly reduced levels of theallergy-causing proteins commonly found in natural rubber latex.
It wasdesigned as a "drop in" material and integrates seamlessly intomanufacturing operations that currently use NRL or syntheticsubstitutes without additional capital investment or equipment.
Virtually all detectable antigenic proteins removed; Result: Stable, clean, low protein latex with very low non-rubber content