We would like to offer to You transparent plastic - LDTE
98/2 100t./ month;
color mix - 40t./month
Company" EKO CIKLS " is one of the largest enterprises in Latvia on gatheringand processing of secondary raw materials. The Most part of secondaryraw materials are: plastic, paper, rubber and
glass. Besides of ourprimary activity we are engaged distribution, assembly and service oftechnical equipment for processing of secondary raw materials.
We hope, that our business offer will be interesting to you and we can agree about cooperation.
Best regards,
Jelena Krisenkova
phone: 0037129923939; 0037128625461;
office: 003717805385
fax: 003707805381
PVN Reg. Nr. LV 40003698128
Adress: Podraga street 2
Riga LV-1007, Latvia
Bank:A/S Hansabanka, HABALV22
Kont: LV32HABA0551008099135
LDPE, PE, Plastic, waste, transparent, waste paper, pap, carton,