This new product was introduced to the European Market one year ago and we sell already about 3.500 tons monthly. Our product is the only CaCo3 MB which you can put up to
60% in your formulations, thanks to its base PRIME LLDPE C8. This sort of concentration has remarkable benefits such as increase of productivity,
reduction of energetic consumption and improvement of the mechanical properties, just to mention a few. The product contains just treated ultrafine limestone or marbel CaCO3 with an
excellent dispersion. The TOP-Cut is 6.
Very modern HIGH-TEC is used to produce this product.
All this advantages make our product very different from others and allow you to work even with MFI 1,0 if necessary.
Due to the fact that the main content of GRANIC is a natural product, you last but not least show that you take care about our EARTH.
For closer information, don`t hesitate to contact me!
Technical Datasheet, Food Approval Certificate etc. etc. are available
GRANIC - BACK to NATURE - for a better WORLD
New UNIQUE High Quality CaCO3 MB based on prime LLDPE C8