We are stylist in dresses especially bridal, and have been in the industry for over 25 years,we give brides the dresses of their choice and body,and charge them money which they spend in other desighn stores,the diffrence being that we give desighners clothes for much less than what they get in the stores which swindle them for much much more for nothing,If you want style and your choice we are there to cater to you for much less than the others inspite of being better than the others for the simple reason that we CARE,Bollywood alone gives us enough, and then Dubai is the other place we make money as we want,in our Country people fleece the buyer by naming itself the desighner which they are NOT.Who knows better than we,as we have been desighning clothes for bollywood etc since ages and would like to serve our country with our art without the exorbitant prices.All humans are equal than why should the others who cant affort the exorbitant prices should not wear the fashionabale clothing which they cant afford for the simple reason of their price.We give you Desighner clothes inj the prices you can afford.
Bridal Dresses is what we make and sell as we are the and have been making dresses for mumbai(India)Film Industrys famous icons.