Designer Sheets
Stainless Steel is no longer confined to the silvery brushed satin, or the mirrored chrome look. The Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) process of sputtering Titanium Ions in vacuum chamber under
strict conditions, creates a tough, metal-ceramic film of rich colors on Stainless Steel.Applied on various surface finishes, it enriches their appearance, and protects. These superior color
coatings will outlast any other known coloring process, without any protective lacquer, nor maintenance. It is UV and corrosion resistant, it will not dull, nor tarnish with the time.Until now the
international standards and norms are yet to define this type of coating. To provide our customers with confidence, we had carried out a series of tests at Materials Research Laboratories of
Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan, in Dec. 1996 on our Ti(G) coated Stainless Steel sheets (copies available)