PlasticWood is our new product for the home & office decoration, furniture making, construction and the building industry and in all sorts of uses to replace wood, plywood, fiberboard, zipsum
boards, aluminum and related products. It is based on semi-foamed PVC boards that are processed on special equipment supplied by Cincinnati Milacron of Austria. This equipment has been optimized
after years of research and development in order to obtain a wide range of boards in thickness and widths with a superior quality in different types of PVC boards, such as Foam Sheets, Co-Extruded
Foam Sheets, Rigid Clear Sheets, and Rigid Compact Sheets. We are making Foam Sheets and Co-Extruded Foam Sheets and calling these as the PlasticWood because of their wood like characteristics.
PlasticWood end products such as interior walls, doors, furniture and structures are incisively entering the European market replacing little by little the natural wood boards that are scarce. Many
European Countries do not have large forest areas where in addition to natural wood shortages, European environmental laws coming into force to strictly regulate the cut down of forests for wood.
Consequently, because of both the natural wood shortage and the subsequent increase of natural wood costs, PlasticWood is entering more and more the wood market with very good future expectations.