HDPE Sheet
When it comes to quality consistency, product range and best service to the customers, Swastik Laminators is the most reliable name. Our manufacturing facilities include German state-of-the-art
technologies. We have successfully handled various projects with hazardous chemical waste landfills, municipal solid waste landfills, large water bodies, containment bodies and other
environmental applications.
Major Applications
The management of solid waste is an area of concern for both the developed, as well as the developing countries. It is crucial for a landfill to be resistant to the contaminated wastes
that form leachates on them. Hence, good liners become indispensable for them. Swastik Laminators Polyethylene Geomembranes act as a perfect resistant to such hazards, and prevents
interaction of landfill moisture with the soil. This prevents air pollution and groundwater pollution.
Municipal/Hazardous Solid Waste Landfills Facilities
The management of solid waste is crucial for both the developed, as well as the developing countries. The use of landfill for waste management is still a predominant option worldwide. The
municipal solid waste landfill facilities, dispose waste generated by the households, hospitals, hotels and other such places. They prevent the underground water table from getting contaminated
and reduce air pollution. Hence, they protect human life.
Ash Dyke Pond
The Boiler Ash is collected from the boiler's hopper precipitator fly ash from the electrostatic precipitator hoppers. This is mixed with water to make a suspension, which is pumped to the ash
pond. Swastik Laminators HDPE sheets provide perfect lining for the ash ponds. The HDPE geomembrane has a lower tendency to exchange ions with leachate constituents and maintains its integrity as
a barrier overthetime. This application is widely used in power plants, copper/zinc smelters etc.
Water Management
Swastik Laminators takes due care in cleaning of debris, storing water and loss of rock through geomembrane anchorage. This is achieved by installation of geomembrane at the river / pond / lake
basin, which prevents seepage loss and saving gallons of water for further consumption.
Other Applications
- Landfill for waste dumping and hazardous waste dumping, chemical waste, Fly ash, Soda ash, Thermal power plant, Hydro power plant, Waste liquid / Radioactive waste liquid.
- Hazardous waste management and handling rules -MOEF
- Disposal of Hazardous Municipal Waste in secured landfill guideline from the Ministry of Environment and Forest
- Masking of concrete structures at Port, Jetty, bridge, Ore processing plants, Lagoons
- Spill containment for Chemical and Petrochemical industries
- Storage of Agricultural / Industrial slurries
- Salt pans