Standard Size: 1.5 mtr/ 1.8 mtr width x 10 mtr length (in roll form)Thickness available: from 2 mm to 5 mmPPGL (Polypropylene Glass Fabric Reinforced Sheets) are Polypropylene Sheets duly laminated
on-line with a non-woven or stretch fabric which has glass filler content, to retain all the general characteristics of Polypropylene sheets and to enable excellent bond and shear strength for the
manufacture of Chemical vessels, Tanks, Containers, etc.Features:PP Sheet duly laminated on-line with a woven polypropylene fiberglass fabric.Retains all the general characteristics of PP
sheets.Enables excellent bond shear strength and peel strength.High Chemical corrosion and resistance properties.Large light-weight structures can be designed and erected.Applications: Chemical
Industry (construction / fabrication of large size storage tanks, process vessels, blowers, scrubbing towers, ducting and large diameter piping structures, wherever metal or cement have been used
in the past but are liable to corrosion and hazards of crack formation and weathering) Mining IndustrySugar Industry (fermentation vessels)Steel Industry (pickling tanks)Water, Food and Waste
Treatment Industry (process equipments, cooling towers, silos, stripping columns)Polypropylene, properties, UV, Copolymer, PPCP, PPHP, material, temperature, polymer, plastics, PP, sheet, density,
manufacturer, supplier, India
PPGL (Polypropylene Glass Fabric Reinforced Sheets) are laminated with fabric which has glass filler content