Acrylic Sheet is commonly known as Plexiglass. Acrylic is an excellent material for a wide variety of applications. Acrylic sheets are about half the weight of glass, however many times stronger. Acrylic is resistant to moisture and many chemicals. Acrylic can be easily cut, drilled, cnc machined, fabricated and screen printed. OCIP carries a massive inventory of Acrylic sheets, rods and tubes. Acrylic sheets are available in cast, extruded, clear, colored, tinted and mirrored. Common uses for Acrylic are signs, picture frames, window glazing and displays. We carry all major brands of Acrylic sheets including Plexiglas?, Acrylite?, Lucite?, Polycast?, Chemcast? and Optix?. OCIP is a leading distributor of Acrylic Sheets
Acrylic sheets, Rod & Tubes
All Brands, Colors & Sizes
Acrylic sheets, Rod & Tubes All Brands, Colors & Sizes |