Welcome to alnarz rubbers
We are a processor, supplier of different forms of natural rubbers and rubber latex in India. We deal in and export different grades of ribbed smoked sheets (RSS) and rubber latex of various
concentrates. We are having our own rubber estates in kanniyakumari district in tamilnadu and thrivananthapuram district in kerala. The rubber cultivated in these districts is proved one of the
best in the world and near port city tuticorin and cochin to export.
We are dealing in following products:
Ribbed smoked sheets: Grade: Rss1, rss2, RSS-3, RSS-4, RSS-5, and RSS-5b.
Isnr 10 and isnr 20 (TSR)
Pale crepe rubbers
Rubber latex: Centrifuged latex 60% drc
Creamed latex 50% to 55% drc
Ammoniated latex 30% to 35% drc
If you any requirement kindly contact by email.
Welcome to alnarz rubbers
We are a processor, supplier of different forms of natural rubbers and ru
natural rubber
natural rubber
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