Thailandm +66 (0) 47354764
Germanm + 49 (0)1772393309
european sales director
Timescales for delivery are order specific, however typically sevenworking days from the day the order is received to delivery.
Allclients are designated an account manager, who will superviseproduction and delivery throughout all stages.
Weare able to make from samples as well as designers sketches orphotographs.
SiamCostumes produces quantity and quality costumes to the tight timescales and budgets that the entertainment industry demands.
Singleitems or as many as required.
Ableto manufacture garments from all periods including footwear.
Fifteenproduction units in South East Asia.
Manufacturingcostumes for twenty years.
InformationRegarding Siam Costumes
We are manufacturer for corportate identity clothing and costumes.
Please contact and visit our homepage for more information.