For example, many people with a Ph.D. in Science elect to add gold piping to their hood or gown, just as a Ph.D. in Education may elect to add Light Blue piping to his/her hood.
For that reason, many Ph.D. holders wanting to show their discipline, elect to add "degree color" piping to their hoods or gowns.
So for example while an Ed.D receives light blue signifying education, a Ph.D in Education uses the darker Ph.D blue velvet. A doctor of divinity or theology would use scarlet velvet, but a Ph.D. in divinity/theology would use Ph.D. blue velvet.
The velvet of the hood indicates the degree (for example dark royal for Ph.D; light blue for Ed.D; Hunter green for Medicine etc.) and the school colors are indicated on the satin lining.
The Economy doctor hood is $80.00
The Deluxe doctoral hood costs $145.00 with optional piping or $130.00 without piping. Either way, this is a truly beautiful hood! We recommend the deluxe hood for all deluxe and classic gowns.
Please keep in mind that the dark royal blue is used for all Ph.D degree hoods, regardless of specialty of discipline. For that reason, many Ph.D. holders wanting to show their discipline, elect to add "degree color" piping to their hoods or gowns.
Above Deluxe Ph.D. blue velvet doctoral gown and graduation hood with gold piping added to both academic gown and hood.