The distribution department of the bologna Gomme Group purchases and sells tyres on a global level. We are experts in handling stock and overstock tyres for light duty vehicles and trucks in summer
and winter models, buying from and selling to the whole world. The good warehouse availability of Ultra High Performance Tyres with the most detailed measurements in various models, from the most
prestigious to the best value for money, make Bologna Gomme Distribution a true UHP and SUV specialist. We have a young and modern team who are quick to propose your customers offers that Bologna
Gomme purchase on the international tyre market; this, coupled with the speed of response to your clients' specific requirements, allow us to be highly competitive in terms of product prices as
well as an attractive business partner.
On a local level, Bologna Gomme possesses 4 point of sales for the final user with 20 work posts for assistance and extra services for cars, motorbikes, and light and heavy goods vehicles. The
availability of large stocks of thermal tyres for cars and SUVs, and alloy wheels from 12 different manufacturers, along with the high esteem of customers and suppliers that in 35 years of business
have helped us expand, make Bologna Gomme a reliable and profitable business partner.
Experts in handling stock and overstock tyres for light duty vehicles and trucks in summer and winter models all over the world. |