DUBSandTIRES. Com is your supplier for wheels, tires and anyother auto accessories. Our location in the Miami area provides us with aunique ability to export to the countries in the Caribbean,
South America,Eastern Europe and many other countries abroad. We have the ability to exportmass quantities of any tire or wheel that you desire. We can export any and allauto accessories from
headlights to elderbrock shocks we can help you to obtainthese products. Please feel free to contact us about anything to do with yourautomobile. We also will export Car Audio products from
Subwoofers, In Dashstereos, any size TV for the interior of your vehicle. Please feel free to giveus a call or email us at any time. You can call us at 954-924-6555 or email us
Thank You
We export everything from wheels to tires and any other items you would like please feel free to email us |