From the mid 1990's passenger vehicles have been fitted with transponder immobiliser systems, which have increased considerably in complexity over the past 12 years. Originally, if a customer
needed additional or replacement keys/remotes they would have no option but to go to the franchised dealer, which could be expensive and inconvenient.
In 2000, Advanced Diagnostics developed key programming equipment, allowing independent workshops and locksmiths to offer a service to customers who needed additional or replacement keys/remotes on
passenger cars. Transponder technology is also fitted to commercial vehicles and until now, the franchised dealer was the only option the owner had.
Advanced Diagnostics have launched the latest development for key programming, aimed at the commercial vehicle market. The AD100Pro Truck will be capable of programming keys for both 12v and 24v
immobiliser systems on all-makes of vehicles.
The equipment benefits from a large LCD touch screen/versatile keypad for easy navigation/selection, colour coded dongles that configures the tester thus minimising the variety of cables required,
and a USB interface for fast software downloads.
Software is upgradeable via the internet, ensuring the customer has the latest software in the fastest possible way. Software applications will be continually developed to cover other commercial
vehicle manufacturers. The unit is capable of running both standard software and the latest test software at the same time providing the customer with complete flexibility. Developed to cover all
communication protocols including all CAN systems, the equipment is designed for the future.
Combined with functionality and extensive software coverage, the AD100Pro Truck positions itself as the leading transponder key programming tool in the world, for commercial vehicles, following in
the footsteps of the highly renowned AD100 used in the passenger car market.