- RS-232 Serial (COM) cable.
- 3 Pins Banana Connection Cable
- MB-14 Pins Connection Cable
Compatible Software: Carsoft version 7.4
Package Contains:
- MB-38 Pins Connection Cable
- OBD-II Connection Cable
- It is Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP based software with assistance and help features.
- It is easy to make a clear print out for the customer.
- Diagnosis results from all diagnosed cars can restore into an integrated database.
Assistance" to nearly every stored fault codes.
- It
informs the users, not only about the fault codes in the car but also offers "Repair
vehicle had been repaired.
This function clears the ECU memory of the Fault codes when selected after the
- Erase all fault codes:
Coding, Component Activation, EGS and ME Adaptation Erase, CDI-Injector-Test.
This function includes Service Interval Reset, Service Interval Adjustment, Live Data,
- Special functions for some models:
helps the user to rectify the problem.
Fault codes will be shown in written report. This report has a short info-text which
information about the appropriate control system unit and its fault codes.
Diagnosis" Select the control system and proceed with the test. It gives detailed
or when an "ERROR" message had shown on the system tested earlier with the "Total
This test is selected if the user needs to test the vehicle control systems individually
- Single Diagnosis:
system has fault and it has to be tested on "Single Diagnosis"
displays all the results on screen. When "ERROR" message shown, it means the
This is a comprehensive test. It tests all the available control systems in the car and
- Complete Diagnosis:
Main Functions:
automatically lock-in during Total or Single system diagnosis.
All systems like Engine (ME, DME, etc), Airbag, PSE, AIRCO, ABS, etc can be
It has a fully digital automatic line switching capability through its built-in electronic multiplexer.
This MCU controlled multiplexer interface kit is compatible with Carsoft software (ver7.4).
This is for Mercedes Benz Personal, Off-road and Commercial vehicles up to year 2004.