Diagnostic tool for cars from volkswagen Audi group which using "KWP2000-CAN TP2. 0"
1. Covers all electronic control unitss in vehicles. This can allow of user to invertigate and diagnostis some new units untouchable for remaining diagnostic tools (example is new KESSY unit. )
2. Manual definition of running diagnostic session-not like remaining diagnostic tools always standard diagnostic session 0x89
3. Broadcast diagnostic request-disable normal communication, clear DTCs, logistic (transport) mode, . . . .
4. Allows managing of brand new immobilizer units where is allowed programming of PLN, SKC, BGW, MAC.
5. Most of popular diagnostic requests-identifications, coding, adaptations, DTCs and s. O.
Diagnostic tool for cars from volkswagen Audi group which using "KWP2000-CAN TP2. 0"
Model Number: | vag can commander |