VAS5052A is testing equipment designed by Germany Volkswagen for their certificated service station. In the worldwide all the service stations no matter the Germany Volkswagen, Audi, Octavia of
Czech, SOYAT of Spain, nor VOLKSWAGEN-SHANG HAI, are adopting this equipment.The perfect functions of VAS5052A are non-substitutable by any other diagnostic equipment, including VAS1552A. It has
larger memory space, large touch screen.
1. Control ECU model
2. Read codes
3. Clear codes
4. Component test
5. Basic adjustment
6. Read measuring data
7. Single-channel data
8. Control unit coding
9. Self-adapt matching
10. Loge in
11. Set service code
12. Chassis No. Transmission
13. Expert system (This system offers the exhaustive original maintains information, such as circuit diagram, element position, bulletin of technical service, disassembly paper and kinds of
accurate technical parameter and so on.It can also lead repairman analyses fault from face to inside, inquire, till obviate the fault according ti the reading fault code or phenomenon input.)
14. Tracking & maintain latest auto through up-grade in time
15. OBD-II diagnosis
Testable System
1. ECS (engine control system)
2. Transmission control system
3. Brake Control System
4. Diesel pump control system
5. Safety bag
6. Anti-skid Control
7. Anti-Theft system dashboard
8. Automotive windows
9. Clutch control
10. key matching
Standard Package
1. VAS5052A Main unit
2. Packing Bag
3. Power Supplying
4. Self test adaptor
5. Charging station
6. Diagnostic cable
7. Touch pen
8. Packing Case
VAS5052A is testing equipment designed by Germany Volkswagen for their certificated service station.