Dear Sir,
I am senior industry person from India in Lamp and lighting industry and previously working with the leading Company of automotive lighting as Sourcing Head. Now I have started independent
consultancy for marketiing of Chinese lighting products to Indian cuustomers both OEM and after market and to help them to find out and establish relation with Indian buyers for long term
businness association with my help and my knowledge of automotive lighting products in both the conutries . My rich knowledge in Trade, imports, exports and economy as well in product
lighting will help to establish long terms customers business relations .
I have many friends and clinets in Indian industry and busiiness as well in China suppliers community most of them are manufacturing industry who can take my knowledge in their advantage.
The other details of your product, company, approvals, certifications, quality etc. can be discussed with below mail contact . So please do sent your catalogue , company profile, price list in hard
as well soft form at once to create your profile at my end also .
Please send your product catalogue, profile of company, E certification and manufacturing details and specification, your technology, capability will also matter to indian customers .
All toehr information is already there in the profile. You can ask secific information , if you desire so.
Best regards ,
Daulat Sharma
Head Lamps
Halogne bulbs
Automotive lighting products
Auto parts
try halogen bulb head lamp to get through more products