In addition, our company has utilized its superior research and development technologies to develop phosphors that can be used in solar cells, as well as light-conversion and light-storage farm films for modern agricultural equipment. Hence, our companys main future business direction is to perfectly combine the applications in optoelectronics industry, solar energy industry and even agriculture.
At present our products are mainly used for the new light sources required for the lighting in vehicles, indoors and outdoors. The high-power (high-brightness / high-power) products are more applicable to areas such as the mobile phone, PDA, LCD screen and automobile headlights, indoor and outdoor lighting.
Wtech-IPR Ltd has developed various white light LED light-emitting diode based patented technologies. Based on these technologies, Wtech-IPR is producing a series of LEDs using new energy and light sources.
Wtech-IPR Ltd has developed various white light LED light-emitting diode based patented technologies.