Zero X Specifications:
Give us a call - (858) 270-2881
or Stop by the shop:
4150 Mission Blvd. Suite 141
San Diego, CA 92109
All the fun of any motocross bike and you won't even disturb your neighbors.
Zero X Electric Motorcycle
Upgrade to the Zero X Electric Motorcycle with the Perm electric motor that gives you 10% more torque:
Upgrade to the Zero X Electric Motorcycle with the White Brothers forks:
Zero X Extreme which contains both of the above upgrades:
You will get $50.00 in free accessories when you order just by giving Zero Motorcycles your promotion code of MSR-US-107. When you order online, just enter it in the "promotion code" space;
when you order by phone, just tell them the promotion code.
The Ride:
The Zero X Electric Motorcycle is a full scale, fuly capable off-road machine that rivals almost any 250cc production motorcycle in performance and dirt-loving durability. At just 151 pounds,
it not only chews up dirt with the best of 'em, it does it with virtually no noise, less maintenance and not even a whiff of exhaust. Whether you are riding on the track or cruising the
backwoods trails, you will love the Zero X.
Price: $7450 plus $300 shipping