Special Introduction to Alpha Gel Battery: Patented in 15 countries including United States, Awarded 6 International Gold Medals, Stable and Reliable Power Supply, Long life, 2 hours' quick charging to 80% capacity; automatically shut off when full charged. It can normally Operate at Extreme Low and High Temperature. Almost NO Lead & Acid-mist Discharge, Spill Proof and Leak Proof. It is a real environment friendly high power gel battery in the world.
*Click on picture to Zoom
Rated Motor Voltage: DC36V
Rated Motor Power: 800W
Most Economic Cruising Speed: 26km/h
Max. Speed: 32km/h
Cruising Range (at Most Economic Cruising Speed: 80km
Max. Climb Slope Angle: < 15
with ev Batteries
Affordable Price, Simple Operation, Quick Charge