Smooooth Riding
Imagine being more relaxed on long rides, forgetting about
weight or balance concerns. When you arrive, you can go back
to two-wheeled freedom in minutes. Its a convertible!
The Voyager has an independent suspension for the rear three
wheels, allowing for a 6- to 12-degree lean, a smooooth ride
and easy steering.
Bike to Bike Flexibility
Unlike permanent kits, the Voyager gives you the option
of buying another motorcycle without having to purchase
another convertible kit!
(Tour to Tour / Cruiser to Cruiser trade
Four-wheeled stability or two-wheeled excitement
Easy on, easy off, in just minutes
Smooth, easy steering
Reduced front end shake
Reduced front end push and wheel slip on turns
Stability in high winds or winding roads
Improved towing ability
More storage for luggage
No major loss in gas mileage
Twice the fun, half the price of ordinary
Four-wheeled stability or two-wheeled excitement |