Day and Night viewing mode automatically sets itself for best visibility
Search by Latitude and Longitude coordinates to view on map or navigate there
Automatically shows current weather conditions including temperature, wind speed and direction at map center
5 days weather forecast for any place worldwide
Routing based on live, real-time traffic data to save you time and gas
Real-time traffic conditions displayed on the map (in the supported countries)
User generated content contribute your fresh camera & trap locations!
Speed trap alerts
Speed camera alerts
Red-light camera alerts
Automatic saving of last selected items to History list
Fast saving of search results and entered destinations to Favorites list
Available languages: Arabic, Danish, Dutch, English, English (UK), Estonian, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Spanish (Espa?ol) and Swedish.
Support for right-to-left languages (i.e. Arabic)
Easy switching between languages
Multiple language support for user interface and spoken voices
For details and updated coverage see the amAze GPS web site.
* Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
* Parts of Asia (India, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore)
* Most of the Middle East
* Parts of Latin America (Brazil and Argentina)
* Western Europe, Central Europe and most of Eastern Europe
* All of North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico)
International map coverage including:
Topographic maps covering the entire USA
High resolution satellite imagery in over 200 major cities worldwide
Heads up or North up map orientation + high-performance map rotation
Easy map zooming and panning options
Detailed street maps with floating street names for better visibility
Search white pages directories for people you need to get to (where available)
Local search from country-specific business directories (where available)
POI / quick keywords search for most places around the world
Easy address search for almost any place in the world
Detailed driving directions with step-by-step text and graphics
Navigation simulation mode to preview your route before you go
Routing setup tools: fastest, shortest, with traffic, etc.
Optional routing for car, pedestrian, truck, car pools, and more
Navigation over satellite imagery including 3D birds eye view mode
Arrows-only navigation mode (more visible AND saves on data usage)
2D and 3D (birds eye view) mapping navigation modes
Turn-by-turn voice guided navigation
amAze GPS full version 5.0 is the latest version of amAze GPS and offers all the following features:
amAze GPS full version lets you navigate almost anywhere in the world. Navigate with satellite imagery in 2D and 3D in many major cities. You dont need to worry about updating maps. Our servers handle that for you on demand, over the air.
amAze GPS was selected Product of the Year 2008 for its unique set of features and access to the most up-to-date worldwide map data at an affordable price.
amAze GPS light edition provides access to worldwide street maps, full topographic map coverage of the USA and satellite imagery for 200 major cities around the world. It allows you to search in a worldwide rich POI database and you can upgrade to the full version that includes turn-by-turn voice guided navigation from within the application.
Mobile GPS navigation for your mobile phone with worldwide maps
Model Number: | 5.0.0 |
Brand Name: | version 5 |
Place of Origin: | Israel |
Function: | Other |
Screen Size: | Other |
Use: | Hand Held |
Type: | Gps Navigator |