Extremely user friendly due to touchscreen keypad and powerful soft menu. Easy-to.read, oversized characters presented on a high-resolution, backlit, liquid crystal display (LCD). Position and speed are legible, in both day-time and night-time, no matter how rough the sea state. Super-rugged construction that withstandes the worst shocks and vibrations. Low-profile, high-gain antenna with high-durability, low-attenuation coaxial cable. Up to twelve (12) satellities automatically tracked. Fast reacquisition afetr signal interruption. Easily outfitted with a differential beacon receiver for accepting differential corrections (DGPS mode). Optimum setting to work by selecting: elevation, SNR, PDOP and PDOP switch. Alarm facility for out of anchorage, approaching destination and cross-track error. Comprenhensive route planning facility, with up to 500 waypoints, 40 reversible routes, speed and course over ground, course and distance to waypoint, time to go and cross-track error. Exhaustive Built-in-Test Equipment (BITE).
Extremely user friendly due to touchscreen keypad and powerful soft menu. Easy-to.read, oversized characters presented |