HR Consultancy Software Why should you go through 100 resumes, whenonly 10 of them really fit your criteria? Cut your cost-per-hire byreducing agency fees and data entry Hire quality talent while making fasterdecisions Get rid of the paper shuffle and automatethe recruiting process With years of experience in providing solutions to Human Resource departments, NetiApps could develop a proven, cost-effective applicant tracking system, which would go beyond your expectations. The NetiApps ATSis the ultimate recruiting software solution with the best JobRequisition, Talent Management and Resume Management tools. Key Advantages of NetiApps Applicant Tracking Software: .net technology's premier applicant tracking system would get your HR department organized to save your time andmoney. NetiApps is a proven solution backed by an experiencedteam, which would surpass your expectations. We'll make you a winner with a superior configurability and we are always available toprovide you exceptional support.
HR Consultancy Software Why should you go through 100 resumes, when. only 10 of them really fit your criteria? Cut your cost-per |