SpecificationMAIN STRUCTURE : GPS BLUETOOTH RECEIVER with LCD Display with SD Card to recording tracking dataLCD DISPLAY Time, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, etc. with push button to offer stop temporarily display circulary 1.5 inches, 98 x 64, 0.3mm x 0.3mm dot size Back light (Standard: Blue)STORAGE MEMORY with SD card to recording tracking dataBATTERY 1200 mAh Lithium-ion battery lasts for more than 8 hours of useGPS CHIPSETSiRF-3CHANNEL20 parallel satellite-tracking channelsMINIMUM SIGNAL TRACKED-159 dBmFREQUENCY1575.42 MHzRECEIVERL1, C/A codeUPDATE RATE1 Hz (max)ANTENNAbuild in patch antenna & external MMCX connectorRECEIVER ACCURACY5 ~ 25 meters CEP without SAACQUISITION Reacquisition: 0.1 sec. average Hot Start: 1 sec. average Warm Start: 38 sec. average Cold Start: 42 sec. averagePROTOCOL & INTERNET (BLUETOOTH) Compatible Bluetooth device with Serial Port Profile (SPP) Bluetooth Version 2.0 compliant Bluetooth Class 2 operation (up to 3 meter range) Frequency: 2.400 to 2.480 GHzOPERATION TEMPERATURE-10
SpecificationMAIN STRUCTURE : GPS BLUETOOTH RECEIVER with LCD Display with SD Card to recording tracking dataLCD DISPLAY |