Inmarsat FleetBroadband is the first maritime communications service to provide cost-effective broadband data and voice, simultaneously, through a compact antenna on a global basis. It takes seafarers into the world of broadband Internet and Standard IP applications. But if you're not quite ready to move to IP, it still supports the core ISDN capability of our existing services. The operational systems is set per default to run online to enable email communications, Internet access and making phone calls in parallel - all via a single terminal. TT-3742A (FB250) Offers speeds for Standard IP up to 284 kbps and for Streaming IP up to 128 kbps.TT-3740A (FB500)Offers ISDN capability and provides speeds for Standard IP up to 432 kbps (almost seven times faster than the known standard Fleet77 systems) and Streaming IP up to 256 kbps.The increased bandwidth and full Internet access provides exciting new opportunities