. Equivalent to 4,000k/sec time-frequency windows with hybrid search engine
. SBAS (WAAS / EGNOS) Support
. Hot start < 2 sec (under open sky)
Warm start < 29 sec (under open sky)
Cold start < 33 sec (under open sky)
. 32-bit 5-stage pipelined RISC CPU
. 288K internal ROM with high sensitivity tracking/acquisition architecture
. Tracking sensitivity up to 159dbm
. Re-acquisition sensitivity up to 155dBm
. Acquisition sensitivity up to 145dBm
. Embedded data logger function with POI feature Store 300k position data in 16Mbit
serial flash
. With on-board LNA, passive antenna is supported directly
. 5m CEP accuracy
. Low power consumption under 130mW
. Dimensions 25.4 x 25.4 x 3.0 mm