1. Real-time Monitoring. Because of the main communication of the system are GPRS and the Internet. It makesGPS products can monitoring uninterrupted and implementation for the second timeIn the car, GPS control center can achieve real-time traffic monitoring. 2. GPS Orientation, GPS receiver will output a complete position. 3. Automatic Report Position / StatusData content: vehicle status, ACC status, time, longitude & latitude, speed, and direction. : A. Intelligent moving report (no less than 20 Seconds, no higher than 5000 secondsWhen in moving) B. Intelligent stopping report (Automatic at every 3 minutes when stopping) . 4. Engine running time recording (Triggered by 6-16 volt input, Can time record upTo 99999 hours. Exact to seconds. ) , 5. History data store even power off. The device with a memory chip to store up to 512 messages even GPRS network unavailableAnd system can not send message to server. 6. History Playback. You can Replay the track of the car what and when do you want to konw. Include movingRoute, speed. 7. Remote modify vehicle setup, 8. Automatic keep GPRS alive. 9. Speeding Report. When vehicle is out of predefined speed, a report will be generated on the controlCenter immediately. 10. Domain name setting
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1. Real-time Monitoring. Because of the main communication of the system are GPRS and the Internet |