Center frequency 1575.42mhz + or -3 MHzV. S. W. R 1.5:1Band width + or -5 MHzImpendence 50 ohmPeak gain >3dbic based on 7*7cm ground planeGain coverage >-4dbic at -90degree<0<+90degree (over 75% volume)Polarization rhcpLna/filterLna gain (without cable) 28db typicalNoise figure 1.5dbFilter out band attenuation (f0=1575.42 mhz)7db min f0+/-20mhz;20db min f0+/-50mhz;30db min f0+/-100mhzV. S. W. R <2.0DC voltage 3v,5v,3v to 5v or othersDC current 5ma,10ma maxMechanicalWeight <110gramSize 50*39*16mmCable rg174 5 meters or 3 metersConnector sma/smb/smc/bnc/fme/tnc/mcx/mmcxMounting: Magnetic baseHousing: BlackEnvironmentalWorking temp -40celsius~+85celsiusVibration sine sweep 1g(0-p) 10~50~10hz each axisHumidity humidity95%~100%rhWeatherproof 100%waterproof
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Center frequency 1575.42mhz + or -3 MHz V. S. W. R 1.5:1 Band width + or -5 MHz Impendence 50 ohm |