The Atlas PL has a number of different I/O drivers built into it, allowing it to work with a large range of displays, computers, and PC software applications. Like all of Raveon's GPS RavTrack GPS tracking products, it has an , and details of all serial-port messaging is publically available.
The Atlas PL is configured using its built-in RS232 serial port. Raveon provides a software program called to configure the M7.
Most parameters withinthe Atlas PL may be re-configured to optimize it for specialized operations, extended range, or higher data throughput.
For privacy and security, over-the air encryption is standard on every Atlas PL. For network versatility, the Atlas PLincorporates a 16-bit identification code, allowing up to 65,000 objects to be identified in one system and a "group code" (1-255). For wide-area coverage, all Atlas PLs may be set to store-and-forward messages from other RV-M7 or from other Atlas PL transponders. Although the RV-M7is the easiest to use modem on the market, and makes the easiest to set up Automatic Vehicle Locations (AVL) system available, its re-programmability makes it extremely versatile.
The Atlas PL is part of Raveon's RavTrack GPS tracking technology. It is compatible with the transponder and RavTrack PC AVL software.
The Atlas PL is a valuable component of an emergency response, search and rescue, wildfire fighting, or security team. Its many unique features make it superb for these types of applications because:
The Atlas PL is a valuable component of an emergency response, search and rescue, wildfire fighting |