Leica SmartPole saves time in both the office and the field. No longer is it necessary to first measure orientation points and only then detail points. Simply begin the survey
and conduct the setup On-the-Fly whilst completing the survey. Once the TPS orientation and coordinates are known, all measured points are automatically updated. With Leica SmartPole, both TPS
and GPS are available at all times to ensure every point can be measured. When GPS is restricted by overhead obstructions use TPS; when no TPS line-of-sight is available... use GPS. Benefit from
easy-to-use GPS and continuous productivity.
Setup On-the-Fly:
* Leica SmartPole removes reliance on existing control and allows surveys to immediately begin. Avoid time consuming traverses to bring control to the survey area. Never make
compromises with the TPS location and never search for control points. With SmartPole, setup the TPS in the most convenient location, instantly begin the survey and determine the TPS coordinates
and orientation On-the-Fly whilst conducting the survey. Save time and money. Increase productivity and profits.
Increased Flexibility:
* Every survey site is different. Some are best suited to TPS, others to GPS. With SmartPole both TPS and GPS are available. When GPS is restricted by overhead obstructions use TPS; when no TPS
line-of-sight is available... use GPS. Benefit from easy-to-use GPS and continuous productivity. If upon completing the SmartPole TPS setup GPS is no longer needed, then the SmartAntenna can
always be used as a SmartRover in parallel with the robotic TPS for double productivity.