Onedineolly is a customs freight clearing and forwarding company.We specialize in Customs Freight Clearing and Forwarding of Ship Load of Goods, Clearing and Forwarding of containers
and other Consignment like Earth Moving Machines,Auto Whiles, Trucks, Cars, Used Telvision Cloths/Chairs/Alloy While,etc. Importation and sale of numerous goods and farm products and hospital
equipments from any part of the world.
We Specialize in Costoms freight clearing and forwarding Agent company,like Used cars/New Cars, Old Tv,Bags/Hand Bags, Glassess/Bags Of Beams/Yarms, Laptops/Gsm/ Atutomobile
Motorcyles,Lights,Foams, etc to any part of the world.
We also specialize in transportation/haulage of Containers and goods within Nigeria and West African Region.Warehousing where goods and Containers are kept for safety and General Contractor.
Contact us for the followings things;
1. Customs Freight Clearing and Forwarding of Ship Load of Goods
2. Customs Freight Clearing and Forwarding of containers and other Consignment like Trucks, Cars, Buses, etc.
3.Sale and importation of numerous goods and farm products from any part of the world
4.Sale and exportation of goods like Cocoa, Palm Kanel, Arabic Gum, Cashew nuts, Sesemens Seed, etc to any part of the world
5.Transporatation / Haulage of Containers and goods within Nigeria and West African Region
6.Warehouse where goods and Containers are kept for safety
7.Sale and importation of Chemicals (Amonia Gas etc).
8. General Contractor
Feel free to contact us for we will be glad to do business with you and give you a sound satisification.
Yours Faithfully,
+ 234.706.092.8226,+ 234.803.719.3991-+234-8036-640-207
We Specialize in Customs freight clearing and forwarding Agent company,like luggage's etc.
Place of Origin: | Nigeria |
Year: | 2009 |
Fuel: | Gas/Petrol |
Type: | Convertible |
Condition: | Used |