2005 PORSCHE TURBO CABRIOIET FULL BLACK LEATHER . The car is always ina heated garaged, and cared for meticulously. professionally as well asmy self. The point of purchase was Storms Porsche/Audi Motors ofSouthampton, NY. In addition to all the standard equipment the car alsoincludes a selection of options offered by Storms Motors 1. The car isfitted with I-Pod adapter in glove box with full display on thenavigational screen. 2. Front and rear Radar Detection with Laserdeterrence. 3. Blue Tooth capability: The unit is fitted in a closedconsole compartment. This feature is included in the photographs.Therewill be update photographs done at my home in new garage soon. 4. Indash installed Sirius Radio, with hidden Ariel. 5. Brand NewBridgestone Potenza's The most discerning eye will agree this car is inshowroom condition. It is perfect and turn key and needs nothing. Thecar was just serviced on 6/12/09. While picking my car up I was in theshow room and saw an 04 Turbo that they just sold for $79,000 and nowhere in the shape that mine is. I have had this car for sale at alower price. For those who have seen this car on the web, I realizethat it is in way too good of conditon for what I was asking There forthe new updated price, For those who are really serious and want aperfect car, more info and new pictures will be emailed.
The car is always in a heated garaged, and cared for meticulously. professionally as well as my self. this cars is on auction.