Dear Sir,
We introduce our selves as a buyer of Indian as well as Imported products from Auction held by Indian Government bodies. We want to inform you that the subject car is in auction. The date of
auction is 28.05.2009. We give you below the details along with its photographs.
Description: Audi Quattro 3.0 TDI (Diesel Car)
Write hand Drive
Year 2008
Peti pack in tech
Sir, we can get you above car at very cheaper rate. We are in auction business since last 25 years. We regularly receive imported car as well as sports car and other raw material related to your
company. Please let us know your requirement.
Your early reply is highly appreceated. Time remains for auction is very short i.e 28.05.2009
Thanks & regards
Sona Enterprise
105, Ashish Udyog Bhavan,
Opp.SNDT College,
Near Liberty Garden,
Ramchandra Extn. Lane,
Malad (West),
Phone: 022-66780471 to 74
Fax: 022-66780474
Cell: 09322530191