The price for the 5-door hatchback style is typically under $7500.00 and the Pickup style is typically under $6200.00, excluding tax, license, and registration -- Check with your local Dealer for details.
They are street legal, but will need to be registered as a motorcycle (as of this writing) and may require the operator to have a motorcycle endorsement on their Drivers License (you will need to investigate that with your State).
The five-door hatchback style offers an excellent amount of "real estate" that can be professionally wrapped with ones logos, product photos, photo illustrations of ones services, web site address, telephone and fax numbers, and text messages about what your company has to offer.
These Wildfire Vehicles offer a perfect solution for those looking for a rolling Billboard, decrease Vehicle overhead, increase any type of company's visibility and fuel economy, extend ones service area, offer additional services to clients, and for those looking to minimize Vehicle maintenance fees. The Wildfire Vehicles are also an affordable means of increasing ones Fleet, for better coverage of ones territory.
Wildfire Vehicles offer a unique profile for Businesse looking to make their mark, increase market share, lower gas and expenses