For sell 500 used city busses well maintained and in working order, this is a great bargain for bus companies and or public transportation in development countries, price 7500 euro pcExportbrokers is specialized in linking international buyers and sellers. As a sourcing agent we offer you a unique growth and profit opportunity., our services are risk-free to you. We utilize our network of contacts to find qualified exporters / manufacturers for products and services you require. No matter you require to buy ready-to-delivery stocklots, job lots or surplus regularly or occasionally, the crucial thing is its availability at the time you want it. That is the place we can add values to your business-we provide the merchandise you want at the time you want it. And we ensure the whole buying process is safe and hassle-free. We realize that most companies don't have the time, resources or skills to look to the global market to source products or services. As world trade barriers come down importing offers numerous advantages for your company, unfortunately, many companies have not taken advantage of the incredible opportunities that exist on the worldwide marketplace Most companies do with a second best supplier, and more often than not, the most expensive supplier. If you are finding your business input costs are getting out of hand, or you would just like to increase your bottom line by that little bit extra, Exportbrokers can help. As a general rule finding your new supplier can take anywhere from 24 hours to 2 weeks. Finding the supplier is just the start. We need to establish their credibility and their ability to supply long term into the international market. Once their credibility is established (usually via international bank check), we request a sample of their product to be sent to you. This sampling reduces your risk in getting a bad or inferior product to the one you are currently using. Sampling usually takes around 7 to 10 days When you are satisfied with the new product, the import process can be started.
For sell 500 used city busses well maintained and in working order, this is a great bargain for bus