Production Year: 2001
Color: Black
Style: sedan
Mileage: 47000 km
Transmission: Tiptronic
Engine: 3.0 l
Full Options:
Interior: Full Package-Leather, power, puffing up and heating seats, Air conditioning, Climate control, Power windows, Power mirrors with antifreeze system, inside
mirror powered by blue system, hydraulic & adjustable steering wheel
Exterior: Sunroof-Electro-Power Glass, new wheels and Lexus disks, etc...
Safety: 6 airbags, ABS, SRS, ESP, Cruise control, board computer, centralized locks with remote control, alarm system, self-control, etc...
Entertainments: Audio System-AM/FM stereo, CD Player, CD changer for 6 diskettes
If you buy this car, you will get discount package.
Production Year: 2001
Color: Black
Style: sedan
Mileage: 47000 km
Transmission: Tiptronic
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