Smart Car is located in Cairo, Egypt. We sell and cars as well as .
In order to fulfill the needs of foreign expatriates working in Egypt when a buying a car, Smart Car sells . The foreign community in Egypt usually buys SUVs or 4x4. Such cars are delivered by
Smart car within 4 to 6 weeks. Smart car also handles the shipping and customs clearance of the car on behalf of its customer.
For our local customer in Egypt, we have a large variety of to buy from Smart car. Smart Car is a major importer of different types of cars ranging from Sedan to Minivans.
Through our sister company "", we offer . Every now and then, we reevaluate our cars (profitability and/or working conditions). Thus, we have an extensive selection of pre-rented vehicles,
including many that are slightly used.
Smart Car prices are competitive and its range is wide enough to fulfill most budgets.
To compliment our business Smart Car offers a 3 year guarantee on most sold new cars. New as well as used cars sold by Smart Car are on schedule at our service station located in Maadi.
Smart car has a large stock of spare parts for all cars sold through our showroom.
such as car DVD's, audio systems and aluminum alloy wheels are also available at our showroom in Maadi.
Thorough our online showroom, Smart Car is aiming to facilitate the car shopping process for customers located in Cairo as well as customers located in other cities in Egypt.
Smart car online showroom will have a large database of FAQ asked by foreign expatriates when moving to Egypt and in the process to buy a new car.
Smart Car is located in Cairo, Egypt. We sell and cars as well as .