Your further discussion is mostly welcome. you can add my MSN or SKYPE for furhter discussion.
6.Order-follow UP
5.Seller audit and verification
4.Necogicating with factory if any quality problem happend.
3.Supervise leading time, contact with shipping agent, report your order shipping status on time
2.Quality control inspection
1.Source best supplier with top quality and reasonable price
The serverives I could provide for you as below
I presently work with one Irish companies sourcing and checking goods before shipment.
I have successfully help buyer ( USA,UK,Middle east,South Africa,Norther Ireland,Malaysia) purchasing goods from China for different products, Also there still some ongoing communications with many buyer from other country
If you are thinking of buying goods from China email or telephone me and we can discuss your requirements
I am based in Shanghai China , but have contacts in many fields of industry and can source goods for you and get you prices.
Iam agent in China who source your goods , send you samples and prices from factories
I am a Agent in China who source your goods , send you samples and prices from factories in China. .I am based in Shanghai China |