My company is seeking associates globally to market our online Forextrading services. Attractive commissions are paid for each clientaccount opened.
We have automated the commission tracking system through our website.
Thereare different options on how to earn the commissions. Firstly you canchoose to get to receive a one time payment for each friend I I bringto our website. Here's how it works:
All SuperMini accounts $100 per account
1-5 Standard accounts per calendar month $250 per account
6-10 Standard accounts per calendar month $275 per account
11+ Standard accounts per calendar month $300 per account
Alternatively I can choose to Earn UNLIMITED commissions through our Rev-share program,which pays out a percentage of the total volume of trades executed bymy referred clients.
This option is most suitable for long-termaffiliates that are able to refer a large volume, or high quality ofclients.
Here's how are Rev-share earnings calculated:
Everytime a customer places a trade, we take a "Spread", which is thedifference between the buy and sell price of the currency pair orcommodity being traded. This is essentially a forex "rake",
similar tothe rake taken in online poker rooms.
As an affiliate I will beentitled to part of this rake, based on a "Pip" rate, as it is known inthe forex world. This translates to between 20% - 50% of their revenueand is tiered according to the
volume of trades made by your referredclients per month.
0.50 0-25 million
0.65 25-50 million
0.75 50-100 million
1.00 100 million +
As customers can be trading in big amounts of money, the commission from it can work out to be huge.
What I like most is this third option where we combinesboth a once off CPA payment as well as revshare commission. I also getto earn 2nd TIER commissions from other affiliates who joined
throughme I earn 10% of the value of these affiliates' commissions eachmonth..
Many like yourself have found me easily here andjoined the program. You can join me and recruit all your contacts tojoin the affiliate program, do what I'm doing here and make the moneytogether.
With some efforts, we can make more $$ out of our contacts.
Here's how you do it:
1. Start by joining the program here.
2. During the application process, put in a real website or your blog's address so they know you're a real person.
3. Once they setup your accounts in a few days, you can login and get your own affiliate id and address.
4. You're all ready to go. You can even copy my script here to recruit your own clients and affiliates.
Do all you need to do but don't spam!
Latest News!
Don't know much about Forex trading yet want to make tons of money from it automatically even while you sleep?
We have just provided customers a new way to trade! Simply open an account and let the system trade for you! Here's how it works:
By opening an account,you gain access to an automated trading mechanism where you simplychoose the strategy and your trading account is on cruise control. Thechosen strategy will
buy, sell, open and close positions without youhaving to do a thing.
There is huge range of systems andstrategies to choose from, all of which automate the trading, leavingyou to simply pick the one that suits your trading vision or your riskappetite. The system has
signal history which has been verified on ourTrading Servers over the last 12 months. This means you can see exactlywhat the strategy's performance has been over that time period and makea complete
and educated choice.
When you log into the system,you can see every aspect of the trading strategy before implementing iton your account. You will know in advance what the level of risk andreward the strategy offers
even before it has opened a trade.
Wantmore than 1 strategy running on your account? No problem. The systemcan manage multiple strategies on any one or even numerous currencypairs simultaneously. The signals are executed
automatically on yourbehalf.
Contact us now!
My company is seeking associates globally to market our online Forex trading services. Attractive commissions are paid for each |