If the product or process you require is not listed below, please contact our China sourcing representatives for more information. Sales North Carolina Call 910-538-9090
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China Main Source is constantly adding manufacturing capabilities and product range, always focused on building amiable buyer/seller relations with over seas factories. Experience and knowledge of customs and cultural practices insure proper etiquette, a prerequisite for developing relationships in this unique business environment. "China Main Source" caters to customers considering manufacturing products offshore - usually sourcing a single component, using China as its secondary alternate supplier. Many factories in China are operating at less than full capacity and welcome new products especially if they compliment their current technology. Industrious factory owners possess intuitive awareness of the importance of developing new production opportunities and their enormous labor force adapts quickly and easily to new tasks.
China Main Source was founded to assist small to medium size USA businesses and manufacturers in development, fabrication and assembly operations in China & Taiwan. Located in North Carolina USA, we do the heavy lifting required to complete and transport your product to the US in a cost effective and timely manner.
China Main Source was founded to assist small to medium size USA businesses and manufacturers in development |