In connection with our representation of your company we will secure foryou, whenever possible, exclusive distributorships,or franchises and rights touse of trade-names and brand-names and copyrights of suppliers world wide for your market.
B) a performance bonus consisting of a portion of the savingswe achieve.
A) a negotiable basic annual administrative fee to coverinitial and reoccurringmonthly administrative expenses
Palms' compensation for its servicesconsist of:
We're qualified to yourbuying agents and purchase for you at the prices you want to payor less whenever possible. Our services will save you money. The cost of goods purchased by Palms will besignificantl less then the prices you have paid in the past and are presently paying.
Our major buying activities on behalf of companies are: hospitalapparatus and equipment, pharmaceuticals, canned meat poultry vegetables, fruitand juices, grains, coffee, sugar, tea, food storage and processing equipment, electronic components, commodities,computers building materials, houses, ships, textile manufacturing machinery, paint,raw materials, industrial machinery, oil& gas, metals, chemicals, minerals, aluminium, aluminum, automobiles, fertilizer and aircraft We estimate that we save our clients about 30% compared to the prices they presently pay for their purchases by employingour strategies and makinguse of the contacts that we have.
We also buy for you directly from manufacturers at the lowest factoryprices. Because for our volume buying we can get the lowest prices,without distributors or other intermediaries.
We also buy from special discount sources that have lower thanfactory prices such as auctions, bankruptcies, inventory sales, governmentauctions of goods
with unpaid customs storage charges, productionover-runs, mislabeled production runs (typographical brand name errors),department store returns, etc., etc.,etc.
The enables us to buy quality new merchandise at discount prices below costs of buying directly from the manufacturer.
We serve principally as a buying agent forManufacturer's OEM purchasing and industrial supplies andraw materials, but also for importers of container
Our ,, ,, and from Microsoft, IBM, AT&T etc., can be foundby clicking on these words. at the WWW URLs:
Because of our experience, we are able to find the highest quality products atthe lowest world prices in 40 countries andon re-orders we can provide up to 24 months credit for payment and will accept payment in barter.
Our firm has been in businesssince 1934.
We market the products of the We can act as your buying agent in 40 countries, and can help you buy theproducts you need at the best prices and quality from the most reliablemanufacturers, such as or ,or , or ,or . In many cases thesavings from arbitrage in currencyexchange will be greater than the differencebetween the prices of manufacturers.
We understand that it is difficult for you from your country to find themost reliable suppliers of the best quality goods at the lowest prices.You need an office in each country that you buy from.
Subject: buying agent services
Licensed and insured by United States Government
In business since 1934
References, wards, credentials, testimonials, history available and provided upon request
Experienced in doing international Business with Europe, Russian Federation, China, Vietnam, South America, Australia, Noth America, Canada, Africa
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Purchasing Agent Services in the United States for Chinese Importers of products of American origin |