TopHygiene Industries
Manuafacturing medical and personal care products under the brand name 'SNOW'. Producing cotton products such as cotton pads, cotton buds, cotton balls, cotton flakes etc
S.m.Chawla & Co. (SMC)
S.M.Chawla & Co. was established in the year 1969, for handling imports.
Global Distributors
Distribution and Marketing purposes were achieved through the foundation of Multichannel Distributors in the year 1992
by the sons of Late Sheikh Abdul Mateen Chawla; Shahid Akhter Chawla & Sheikh Abdul Sattar Chawla. In the year 2004
Multichannel Distributors changed its name to Global Distributors
Distribution and Marketing purposes were achieved through the foundation of Multichannel Distributors in the year 1992 |