CKP's role as a procurement agent is to act only for the buyer and never for or as the supplier. Our service demonstrates that a professional procurement agency with experienced buyers, up-to-date
automated computer and communication systems, and rigorous quality control standards is best able to achieve the precise specifications, keener prices and quicker deliveries required in today's
competitive and demanding world. We operate in full accordance with donor, government or client regulations, tendering and sourcing on world markets to purchase the right goods at the right price
to the right place and at the right time. Supply contracts are monitored regularly until they are safely delivered to the ultimate destination. Every aspect is controlled, from specification,
tendering, contracting, packing, shipment, clearance, accounting, payment and reporting.
As procurement agent we act as an extension of our clients own resources, acting fully in accordance with their internal operating procedures and requirements. Each organisation has its own unique
requirements and our procurement services are tailored to dovetail with their own operations and structures. The procurement rules and procedures followed are established by our clients and are
often based on donor procedures. CKP are fully conversant with the procurement procedures of World Bank, EU, DFID, ADB, UN, AfDB, DANIDA, CIDA, SIDA and Oman Government. The majority of
procurement is undertaken via international and national tendering under open or restricted competition. We are able to provide a full procurement service, however, many clients require only
elements of this to supplement their own in-house capabilities.
CKP's role as a procurement agent is to act only for the buyer and never for or as the supplier. |